When You Are Concerned
We created this special resource page to give you the important information you need about the warning signs of language delay and the importance of getting help early.
As a parent, you can make all the difference in helping your child become the best communicator they can be. If
you find that your child’s language development is falling behind, don’t wait – take action right away to ensure
that they get the help they need.
In the video below, parents share their stories about
when they first became concerned about their child's
language development, and why they decided not to
wait to seek help.
Executive Director of The Hanen Centre, Elaine
Weitzman, also speaks about the importance
of meeting language milestones and explains why
speech-language pathologists recommend that
parents seek help sooner rather than later.
As a world-renowned leader in early language intervention, The Hanen Centre has committed the last 35 years to helping parents become their child’s most important language teacher. We provide parents of children with language delays with practical knowledge and tools to help build their child’s language skills naturally during everyday routines and activities.
Watch the video below to hear what other parents have to say about their experience with Hanen:
When Should Parents Be Concerned?
How Can Hanen Help?
To find out more about how Hanen can help you help your child communicate, click here.
To find a Hanen Speech-Language Pathologist in your area, click here. |
References for Statistics
Beitchman J, Johnson C, Young A, Atkinson L, Escobar M, Wilson B, et al. Transitions to adulthood: Developmental pathways from preschool to young adult linguistic, academic, and psychosocial outcomes (No. Grant #6606-5639-102): Toronto: Health Canada, National Health Research and Development Program., 1999.
Clegg J, Hollis C, Mawhood L, Rutter M. Developmental language disorders--a follow-up in later adult life. Cognitive, language and psychosocial outcomes. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2005;46(2):128-49.
Desmarais C, Sylvestre A, Meyer F, Bairati I, Rouleau N. Systematic review of the literature on characteristics of late-talking toddlers. Int J Lang Comm Dis 2007:1-30.
Nelson HD, Nygren P, Walker M, Panoscha R. Screening for speech and language delay in preschool children: Systematic evidence review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. Pediatrics 2006;117:298-319.
Reilly S, Wake M, Bavin EL, Prior M, Williams J, Bretherton L, et al. Predicting language at 2 years of age: A prospective community study. Pediatrics 2007;120(6):1441-1449.
Tomblin JB, Zhang X, Buckwalter P, Catts H. The association of reading disability, behavioral disorders, and language impairment among second-grade children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2000;41(4):473-82.