Membership for Early Childhood Professionals

If you’re an early childhood professional who trains or consults to early childhood educators, a Hanen membership can support and enhance the important work you do. You’ll gain knowledge, skills and ongoing support to empower educators to create the kinds of language-rich classroom environments where children’s communication soars.

How do you Become a Hanen Member?

Early childhood education consultants/trainers become Hanen members when they complete the Learning Language and Loving It™ Certification Workshop. This workshop licenses you to offer the evidence-based Learning Language and Loving It Program for Early Childhood Educators, a program that trains educators to use responsive interaction strategies in their day-to-day interactions with children to support their language, social and emergent literacy skills.

Benefits of Membership

Access to advanced Hanen workshops – You’ll have the opportunity to further your knowledge and skills by attending our advanced workshops on emergent literacy, available exclusively to Hanen members. These include the ABC and Beyond™ workshop.

Member Meetings and Speaker Series – Member Meetings connect you with your Program Director and fellow members to provide support and program updates. The Speaker Series connects you with industry experts through interactive and informative online sessions about the latest research and hot topics.

Access to a Teacher Talk™ license – You’ll be eligible to obtain a license to offer Teacher Talk – a flexible series of shorter trainings, offered either in person or online, that introduce educators to the key strategies of Learning Language and Loving It.

Research-based articles – Written by the clinical experts at Hanen, as well as guest contributors from the field, our monthly newsletter offers a breakdown of current research and its application to working with families and educators. You’ll also have access to a large vault of member-only articles where you’ll find research-based guidance on the topics that matter to you.

Discounted e-Seminars – These short, on-demand online sessions offer practical tools and strategies you can apply right away with educators and children. Popular topics include shared book reading, supporting emotional self-regulation and promoting emergent literacy in children with autism.

Member support – We’re committed to supporting the success of our members around the world by:

  • Providing access to support from our Early Childhood Education team
  • Offering dedicated support for all your membership needs
  • Providing program updates based on the latest research – this includes updated online leaders guides, program slides and handouts

Option to support educators virtually You’ll have the opportunity to obtain a license to offer Learning Language and Loving It or Teacher Talk online.

Opportunities to connect – Through the Hanen member Facebook group and online forum, you can connect and share ideas with a worldwide community of Hanen-trained professionals.

Member-only products and promotions – Enjoy exclusive access to member resources and discounts.

Program resource translations – Access a variety of translated program materials that reflect your program certifications at no charge (multiple languages).

Ready to join our community?

Start your Hanen journey by attending a Learning Language and Loving It workshop.

View workshop schedule

Need to renew your membership? Log in and renew.