Teacher Talk™ Workbooks

To help educators promote the language and literacy skills of young children, many early childhood consultants and speech-language pathologists integrate Teacher Talk workbooks into their training or consultation sessions.

Teacher Talk workbooks cover many of the key principles of Hanen’s Learning Language and Loving It guidebook, providing educators with core strategies that will help them create rich and stimulating learning environments for the children they work with.

Teacher Talk workbooks are designed to help educators personalize the content and think about how they will meet the needs of the individual children in their classroom. During consultations or training sessions, you may help educators fill out the workbooks as you discuss the children’s needs, allowing educators to engage in active learning.

There are three Teacher Talk workbooks, each concerned with a critical aspect of promoting the language and literacy skills of children in early childhood settings:

1. Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings

This workbook addresses how educators can use everyday conversations, play and daily routines to promote the communication and social development of all children, including those with language delays and those who are second language learners.

Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings shows educators how to: 

  • Identify children’s conversational styles and the role teachers play in interactions
  • Implement six steps to following the child’s lead: Observe, Wait and Listen, Be Face to Face, Imitate, Interpret, Comment, and Join in and Play
  • Help children become better conversation partners by using appropriate questions, comments and turn-taking cues
  • Use five important steps to ensure that no child is left out of the interaction during group activities  

Click on the link below to view sample pages from Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings:

2. Let Language Lead the Way to Literacy

This workbook discusses the important links between oral language development and literacy, and provides teachers with practical strategies for paving the way for children to read and write.

Educators learn how to encourage and support literacy development by: 

  • Helping children develop a positive attitude toward the use of print
  • Choosing books that match children’s interests and stages of development
  • Using book reading as a time for interaction and conversation
  • Making print a natural and meaningful part of every day

Click on the link below to view sample pages from Let Language Lead the Way to Literacy:


3. Fostering Peer Interaction in Early Childhood Settings

This workbook addresses how educators can provide a physical and social environment that encourages peer interaction and creates many opportunities or successful interactions with other children.

Educators learn how to encourage and support peer interaction by: 

  • Making the most effective use of space in the classroom
  • Encouraging a variety of groupings for interaction
  • Providing appropriate materials and activities
  • Creating reasons for interaction and providing specific coaching

Click on the link below to view sample pages from Fostering Peer Interaction in Early Childhood Settings:


To order Teacher Talk workbooks, click on the link below.