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Put Pretending into Your Child’s Play

Building Pretend Play for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Social Communication Difficulties

Price: USD $16.00
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Put Pretending into Your Child’s Play is the third booklet in the Make Play R.O.C.K.™ Booklet Series for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and other communication difficulties.

This booklet offers practical, research-based guidance for building children’s pretend play skills – skills that are closely linked with the development of language, social, and emotional skills.

Easy-to-use checklists help identify the child’s next step in pretend play, while concrete examples and “Pretend Play Plan” templates help parents and professionals plan how they’ll help the child move to the next step.

This booklet is recommended for use with children who have already developed functional play skills, and who are starting to develop joint attention.


Find more information on this product, including sample pages, here.

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