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More Than Words ebook (French) - Sold via Amazon Kindle

A Parent’s Guide to Building Interaction and Language Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties

Price: USD $32.95
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(Sussman, 2012)
424pp., Full-colour illustrations, Fully digitized and Kindle compatible, Sold via Amazon

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Reflecting the most current view on naturalistic models of communication, this beautifully illustrated guidebook provides a step-by-step guide for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other social communication difficulties. Presented in a digital format, the book’s research-based strategies show parents how to turn everyday activities with their child into opportunities for interaction and communication. Also invaluable for SLP/Ts and other professionals who provide service to children with ASD and their families.

After reading More Than Words, you will be able to help children interact more meaningfully with others and experience less frustration and achieve:

  • Improved social skills
  • The ability to engage in back-and-forth interactions
  • Improved understanding of language

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