Pre-workshop Assignment Overview
More Than Words® Certification Workshop

The Pre-workshop Assignment for the More Than Words® Certification Workshop consists of six sections:

Section 1 – Helping Adults Learn – online learning module

Approximately 1 hour to complete

Through completing this interactive online module, participants will learn about:
  • the theoretical framework that underlies what and how participants learn in all Hanen Programs.
  • how this framework relates to designing an effective learning environment for parents or educators. based on principles of adult learning.
  • the principles of effective adult learning.
  • how the Hanen teaching methodology, titled the "4P Teaching-Learning Cycle,”  facilitates learning and behavior change by addressing the principles of adult learning.

Section 2 – Online Orientation

Approximately 35-40 minutes

This video gives you all the information that is shared with the parents during the orientation session. Parents are provided with information to help them better understand how their children communicate and what social communication means, as well as to identify their children’s stage of communication.

Section 3 – How the Research Informs Assessment and Goal Setting

Approximately 40 minutes
Through completing this interactive online module, participants will to:
  • Summarize the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder.
  • Recognize neurodiversity affirming language and principles.
  • List three to four co-occurring conditions.
  • Identify early signs of autism in children.
  • Describe the assessment process in More Than Words®.
  • Outline the philosophical principles of More Than Words®.

Section 4 – Assigned Reading Social Communication Development: Assessment and Goal Setting

Approximately 20-30minutes

This document outlines how social communication develops in autistic children and provides a framework for what to look for during social communication assessments.

Section 5 – Follow Your Child’s Lead: Include Your Child’s Interests

Approximately 30-40 minutes to complete

This section introduces you to the first strategy parents learn in the More Than Words program. This strategy is the foundation for all other strategies taught in the program.

Section 6 – Parent-Child Observation

Approximately 1 hour

You will be required to observe an autistic child or a child who may benefit from social communication support interacting with a parent and complete a social communication checklist.