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Take Out the Toys and Plan for People Play Combo Pack

Price: USD $29.00
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Regular price when purchased individually: $32
Combo pack special pricing: $29

Take Out the Toys and Plan for People Play are the first two booklets in the Make Play R.O.C.K.™ Booklet Series for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and other communication difficulties.

Each booklet focuses on a critical aspect of play and offers research-based and practical guidance for effectively promoting children’s play and interaction skills while having fun together.   

While Plan for People Play shows parents how they can build their child’s interaction skills during “people games” (games without toys), Take Out the Toys focuses on expanding children’s “functional play” – the kind of early toy play that involves doing conventional or “expected” actions on toys.

Click here to view sample pages from Take Out the Toys.

Click here to view sample pages from Plan for People Play.

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  • Books
USD $ 0.00

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